Stacy Beattie

I am sleeping extremely well, have more energy and best of all have reduced my overall weight and measurements. My energy has improved greatly. I found it amazing how much this health coaching experience has impacted my daily life.

Angela Cogan

The inside of my refrigerator looks totally different. No soda, more fruit, vegetables and healthy snacks. My husband now eats a variety of vegetables that he never ate before, and eating healthier has lifted my brain fog.

Jen Creque

Jenny focused on my (and my family’s) needs. Never once did I feel like she was pushing some-thing I didn’t want – diets, fads, no meat, etc. I can’t thank her enough for what she has taught me, and I highly recommend taking the leap for yourself. You won’t be...

Julie Huber

Since working with Jenny, my biggest habit shift has been consistently meal planning. I now make taking time for my health a major priority.

Jim Sulier

I lost 34 pounds in 6 months through the Shift Life program. I now have better fitting clothes and a slimmer waistline. But, more importantly, I have confidence and energy to continue with this new lifestyle.